Lori Randall
Do ever have one of those days that's good, but you're still going a little bananas?

That would be me.

But it's all good activity and I just wanted to pop in and say Hello before racing off for a long overdue workout, fixing supper, and doing some more work after the kids head towards bed.

Going bananas with stuff to do is SO much more fun than getting laid off, which is what happened to me and so many people last year.  I'm truly grateful for interesting work and people to meet.  It wasn't fun, but if it hadn't happened I wouldn't have had the time and space in which to develop the technical skills that I use every day now.

Here's hoping that even if you're going a little bananas today you'll stop and do something just for you that makes you happy.  For me it centers around the workout.  Love them.  Am addicted to them.  Get crabby without them.  But for you it might be listening to music, reading, taking a walk, or sitting down with a pet for a few minutes.

What's your little indulgence today?
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