Lori Randall
Greetings Dear Readers!!

It's Snow Day.  Here, in Georgia.  In March.  For real.

Don't worry, this picture is from a blizzard somewhere else a long time ago, but it conveys how I feel today while snow falls all around the bay window where I write and work.

Just yesterday, I changed the bedclothes to an ultra pretty, spring/summer theme, hoping to welcome spring's arrival.

Looks like I'm going to have to wait just a little more!!

A portable heater keeps my fingers warm enough to type as I work this afternoon ...  I feel like little Punxsutawney Phil who poked his nose up on Groundhog Day this year, saw his shadow and retreated to his safe, warm burrow, thus predicting 6 more weeks of winter.  Damn Groundhog!!

What's your weather like today?
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