Lori Randall

"There is no use trying," said Alice (Lori, seeking to learn web design stuff); "one can't believe impossible things." 

"I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen (my Dear Friends). "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." (- they're starting to happen for me!) - Lewis Carroll

Wow! The very same day Alice in Wonderland comes out in the theaters, my professional website is finally LIVE!!

With a lot of work and some critical help from Dear Fiance, Alpha Geek Extraordinaire, who has my eternal thanks, it went live the same time Alice in Wonderland opened: at midnight.

What a wonderful day!!!!

Want to check it out?

Lots to read and cool illustrations!!
5 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    I had no idea you were so incredibly talented, talented yes, but this is wonderful.I may need to get your help regarding my future trials in blogging, writing, etc.
    I will be checking in on you.\All the best , Anne Miller-Andersen

  2. Anne Miller -Andersen Says:

    Oh yeah
    1. talking
    5.laundry sorting
    6.making coffee without the machine doing it for me

  3. Derenda Says:

    Nice work! Your live blog looks great! Best wishes for much business/design success. :)

  4. Lori Randall Says:

    Anne, thank you!!! *blushes* I'd love to help you get started with blogging. You have a lot to say that's interesting and entertaining.

  5. Lori Randall Says:

    Thanks Derenda!!!!! It just feels right, is all I can say. Love you!