Lori Randall
I don't know when it happened, but somewhere along the line I became THAT girl.

And not the one your Mother told you about!  

Somehow I became the kind of girl that stays up till almost midnight cruising WordPress widgets with her honey and cheerfully geeking away the evening...

Honestly ...

How did this happen?  And aren't I supposed to be unhappy about this?  

Mom didn't raise me to be technically minded or to pursue a career.  Dad did those things.  I was supposed to cook, bake, clean house, volunteer, and raise wonderful children.  Been there, done that and enjoyed every minute, but along the way I also graduated Magna Cum Laude from UGA and took up a few more hobbies than cleaning tips and gardening, which I love, but cannot satisfy me completely.

Enter the Geek Factor.  Somehow, learning this stuff makes me happy.  In a very snort-out-loud, pocket protector wearing, "Did I do that?" kind of way.

Do you ever "Geek out" in the evenings?  Shhh! Nobody's watching our little site here.  You can tell ... :D
8 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Geek away! As I said today, we (clients, friends, colleagues) all benefit when you get interested in something!

  2. Lori Randall Says:

    Hee hee!! Claire!! The playground has been refurbished!! Want a LinkedIn page (with your profile information) for your new site? Easily done! *snort!*

  3. Susie Sharp Says:

    Geek is chic, my dear. Totally chic. And yes, if I laugh hard enough, I actually DO snort.

  4. Lori Randall Says:

    LOVE this, Susie!! Geek is the new chic! Where's my Audrey Hepburn pic from Breakfast At Tiffany's with the cigarette extender and the (photoshopped) horn rimmed glasses? Must create one of these!!!

    I laugh out loud. Embarrassingly loud at times.

    Some people actually sound like seals while laughing too ... *winks at Claire*

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Came here because of the link you posted on FB. I'm glad I did.

  6. Lori Randall Says:

    Thanks so much for coming by!!! :D

  7. Jason Manous Says:

    The thing I always like to see is whether or not you'll be a geek when it's not chic to be a geek.

  8. Lori Randall Says:

    Ahhh! Surely there will always be geek mystique though, eh? ;)