Lori Randall

For reasons that are too distressing for me to ponder, our puppy Picasso raided the dirty laundry basket and purloined another pair of my favorite panties.  He managed to completely digest the essential zone from a particularly nice pair.  Well, it used to be nice.

Adding insult to injury, Picasso chose to flaunt his crime by leaving them under my bed, which is clearly visible from the powder room. This means that during and after his chew-fest my kids (and their friends) could be treated with a view.  I was oblivious what was going on, guessing that the random light colored something was more shredded paper, when Dear Fiance grabbed them out from under the bed and waved them at me to show me what the dog had done.  This is not the stuff of romance novels.

It does however, teach me two very important lessons.  First, I should stash the dirty laundry in a more secure location. And second, I have GOT to start wearing my glasses!