Lori Randall
Ah Spring!!!  Glorious Spring!!!!!  Even though it's rainy and cold outside today, yesterday got to 70 degrees and sunny.  It was bliss.

The terriers seem to think so too.  They respond like crack addicts in anticipation of their next high as they gleefully slither past us at the front door into the great beyond ... or in our case, the neighborhood.

Canine delights abound by the creek in our back yard.: there's sniffing, chasing squirrels, and of course, d i g g i n g.  Lots of digging.  Epic digging for rodentia of any description, because they are, indeed, Rat Terriers.

They mean business.

This one isn't ours, but his face and body language say it ALL:

Only treats and their favorite squeaky bone can induce them to come back inside for their inevitable baths ... *sigh*

Why do we let these adorable monkeys into our homes and hearts?!