Lori Randall

So it feels like about zero degrees in my house right now.  After a whirlwind tour of housework and (real job) work, I'm sitting down for a moment.  In Georgia, houses aren't really made for cold weather.  They only look that way.  This morning it was colder than most of Alaska and parts of Canada.  That's not supposed to happen here and my house has the crappiest heating system imaginable for 20 degree weather.  Heat strips stay on for days at a time with no discernable benefit, except that the vents feel like they're pumping out air conditioning.

So today I turned it all off (or at least down to 55) and Dear, Sweet, Wonderful Fiance is picking up ceramic heaters to use in specific rooms, since the "heat" isn't doing the job anyway.  It feels better already with just the fireplace and no more icy breeze.  Plus, this means we get to eat next month because the electric bill won't be as prohibitive.  ;)

I've been feeling a lot like this heating system right now.  Lots and lots of creative energy/thought/, but it hasn't been happening.  And that's no fun place for a creative soul to be. It seems like there have been about a hundred interesting/funny posts that I've thought of and then they kept not happening.

Writing rut is officially over.

Does that ever happen to you?  Do you ever have the best ideas and then abandon them because they don't seem to be perfect enough, or the timing doesn't seem to be just right enough?  I think I do it because it's a way to sidestep taking the risk.  But the challenge is to just do what needs to be done and trust that it will be good enough.  Kinda like using ceramic heaters and the fireplace to heat this house because the poor little heat pump system cannot possibly keep up with days of icy weather.

It's a bright, new year.  Full of promise and, for once, at this very moment the sun is shining right through my window onto this laptop and my face.  Even my fingers aren't numb and all is right with the world right now.

Thanks, Dear Reader.  I hope you are warm and encouraged wherever you are, pushing through where you need to push, and taking care of yourself.  I am.