I'm so excited about honeymooning in St. Augustine, Florida and am starting to get images together so I can focus on which places and things to do will be the most rewarding for us.
It's one of the most special places in the world to Dear Fiance and I both, so it was a natural wedding destination.
Here's a question: Would you get married outside by the Fort, overlooking the Bay, or at a very old, well cared for B&B? The B&B wedding is locked in and planned, but I'm sure we could change it up if we wanted to.
Meanwhile, I'm honeymoon dreaming. *dreamy smile*
It's one of the most special places in the world to Dear Fiance and I both, so it was a natural wedding destination.
Here's a question: Would you get married outside by the Fort, overlooking the Bay, or at a very old, well cared for B&B? The B&B wedding is locked in and planned, but I'm sure we could change it up if we wanted to.
Meanwhile, I'm honeymoon dreaming. *dreamy smile*