Lori Randall
Did you ever just decide to do something on a whim, just because it was funny, and then it took off?

Well that's what happened with this Facebook Community Page today!!  Yesterday I posted a funny pic of a road sign by Lake Hartwell and a lot of friends commented on it.  So this morning, on a whim, I created a Page, loaded up a few pics I've taken over the past year, and *wham!*

There are already over 135 fans of the page that got started up this morning!

I guess it just goes to prove that HBO's True Blood series doesn't have a patent on Southern tacky!  

Nearly everybody's either got some or loves it!  

It's going to be a riot as people submit their own videos, pics, and links to "Signs of the South."  Won't you have a look?  There'll be fried pickles and moonshine, I expect. ;)

Signs of the South

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Lori Randall
My world got rocked at a Gay Bookstore.  It got expanded, readjusted and I just have to share!!!

At least 90% of the people we meet live in closets, right?  That may or may not have to do with sexuality, I'm talking about hiding who we are, our essential flavor, from the world in an effort to air brush out just what makes us unique and valuable.

Kind of like those women you see in the tabloids who get 20+ plastic surgeries to look like a Barbie Doll.  Really?!  Tragic waste of an authentic human being buried deep under layers of self hatred.  F*ing waste, actually.

Why would you ever do that?! Would the money be enough to keep your soul alive? 

Grace, charm, poise, fitness, quality skin care, and education will always be ideals near and dear to my heart, but that's beside the point.  If you were a glimmering emerald, why would you even think of trying to look and act like a diamond, just because somebody else decided they're worth more?  Silly.

We've all heard this line of reasoning before, but the attention grabber for me was this featured book about the deathly effects of staying in the closet, versus coming out and dealing people's reactions to somebody who isn't geared the same way they think they should be.

Brokeback Mountain also poetically illustrates this truth.

We only get one ride on this roller coaster we call life, kiddies.  Let's come out of the closet with no regrets and make it extraordinary!!!!
Lori Randall
I don't know when it happened, but somewhere along the line I became THAT girl.

And not the one your Mother told you about!  

Somehow I became the kind of girl that stays up till almost midnight cruising WordPress widgets with her honey and cheerfully geeking away the evening...

Honestly ...

How did this happen?  And aren't I supposed to be unhappy about this?  

Mom didn't raise me to be technically minded or to pursue a career.  Dad did those things.  I was supposed to cook, bake, clean house, volunteer, and raise wonderful children.  Been there, done that and enjoyed every minute, but along the way I also graduated Magna Cum Laude from UGA and took up a few more hobbies than cleaning tips and gardening, which I love, but cannot satisfy me completely.

Enter the Geek Factor.  Somehow, learning this stuff makes me happy.  In a very snort-out-loud, pocket protector wearing, "Did I do that?" kind of way.

Do you ever "Geek out" in the evenings?  Shhh! Nobody's watching our little site here.  You can tell ... :D