Lori Randall
It's the first of March and time for another Happy Monday Thought.  In a fit of optimism, I changed the bedclothes early this morning to the Spring/Summer ensemble that I splurged on a few years ago at a crucial time in my life.

It's going to freeze every night this week, but somehow it feels more like spring with the lighter fabric and lively colors.  And I smile every time I walk into this room where my office space is nestled in the bay window and I see this beautifully made bed.  At some point during the day I'll cut some french lavender out in the yard and arrange it in vase for my desktop.

What do you keep around your work space that makes you smile?
4 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Um...I keep coffee...in a springtime colored mug?

  2. Lori Randall Says:

    :D Coffee is a very happy thought!!! Was the springtime colored mug a new thing or has it been passing the winter there just to remind you that it would indeed happen again someday?

  3. I keep pics of my kids when they were smaller and have recently added some of my wall hanging quilts - makes me feel a little more like I'm at home. How I'd love to escape the cubicle!!

    My "home office" (& dream office for now!!) is the kitchen table with the espresso machine right behind me!! LOL!

  4. Lori Randall Says:

    Love your dream office!! The espresso machine makes it all worthwhile - Did you make your wall hanging quilt? Pics?