Lori Randall
As with you, Dear Reader, every day I have planned activities and then there are those that just happen. One way I hold on to my sanity is by having a morning ritual.

How do you start your day?  I almost always begin by writing out a few pages in longhand while sipping tea.

If I lived on "Lori gets whatever she wants" island, where I'm treated like the Queen of a small nation, I'd start every day with a pot of steaming hot earl grey tea, a bowl full of cherries, and a freshly baked blueberry scone brought to me on a tray.  In bed.  With no crumbs getting in the sheets or noisy dogs trying to get up in bed with me to "share."

The caffeine and my best china give me a combined rush and sense of stability and security.  No matter what happens in the stock market today or with work or kids, I can reach over and have a steaming cup of fragrant goodness in my best china.  It's been there for a long time and will probably be with me for always.

Best to use it now.  What's your morning ritual?
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